Wafaa and her solid food experience

Wafaa has been on solid food since 2nd March 2012 @ 24 weeks of age.  After reading some reviews, I had set my mind to prepare all foods for Wafaa by myself.  No sugar or salt or additional seasoning for Wafaa until she reach 1 year old InsyaALLAH.  But since last week, I has introduce her to cerelac, a ready made or instant cereal because, we were travelling last week and had to standby her food while we travel.  Alhamdulillah she accept cerelac better than porridge + anchovies + spinach... Wafaa don't like anchovies, probably she don't like the way I prepared it.  Or it just that she don't have a good appetite at the moment I serve her anchovies.

Her first food was porridge + carrot + EBM.  She pretty much enjoy the first solid food.  The next day she was  given the same menu, and she rejected it.  Don't worry, it is normal for new baby who just started her/his solid diet.

Among her favorite foods are - porridge or rice puree + broccoli puree + chicken soup for baby +  chicken,apple,carrot puree.  The later, was first introduced when she was 6m+++.  She developed allergy to chicken (probably).  The symptom was itchiness, and the sign was rashes.  She started to rub her eyes and nose frequently immediate after she eat chicken. Rashes developed around her eyes and mouth. Symptom and sign disappear about 1 hour later without any medication alhamdulilLah.

When I try giving the same menu last week, she was 7m+++  at the moment, Alhamdulillah, no more similar reactions.  She is now allergic free InsyaALLAH to chicken. Okay wassalamu.  For recipes, InsyaALLAH next n3. I write in (probably broken) english just to make my mind or brain working.

Her very first solid food.  Porridge + carrot puree.


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