Enek progress

Keadaan enek is not so good.  both feet and hands numb.  she is now unable to walk and holding things. she is now being feed by other as she has no sensory from her hands and thus unable to hold spoon or foods. my heart cries every times I think of enek. the one who used to feed us when we were small. and the expert hands in making kuih kuyak. and the hands that massage my head when I was having headache. and thousands more goodness that the hands had made... the hands is no longer functioning well.  I pity enek a  lots. May ALLAH heals the pain. Ya ALLAH ampuni segala dosa enek, mak, apak, udak, su ajak, anyang and me and my siblings. Mun kenah sedekah, niat sedekah untuk rawat enek kerana wang hadis nuan pubak sedekah pun adalah cara@ikhtiar merawat penyakit.

Sedekah bisa menjadi obat bagi penyakit Anda! Rasulullah n bersabda :
دَاوُوْا مَرْضَاكُمْ بِالصَّدَقَةِ
Obatilah orang yang sakit di antara kalian dengan sedekah.” (HR. Baihaqi)

i miss enek.


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